The Special Joint Committee on the Constitution (1980-81) solicited feedback from Canadians about the government’s proposal to patriate the Constitution and entrench a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The committee heard from over nine hundred individuals and organizations, many of whom had a direct impact on the final draft of the constitutional proposal.
In the wake of Quebec’s referendum on sovereignty-association in 1980, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau committed his government to patriating the British North America Act and entrenching human rights in the constitution. The government established a special joint committee of the House of Commons and the Senate to receive submissions from the public. The committee had twenty-five members (ten from the Senate and fifteen from the House of Commons). Fifteen were Liberals, eight were Progressive Conservatives, and two were New Democrats. What began as a thirty-day session of hearings turned into a three-month consultation in which 914 individuals and groups submitted briefs, and 214 groups made an oral presentation before the committee. The Special Joint Committee on the Constitution was a critical moment in Canada’s human rights history. The hearings highlighted how Canadians’ conception of human rights had evolved dramatically since the 1940s.
Minutes of the committee’s public hearings are available in most university libraries (chaired by Senator Harry Hays and MP Serge Joyal). However, the 914 briefs submitted to the committee are only available at Library and Archives Canada. Below is a collection of digitized briefs presented to the committee (in some cases, the document includes a description of the organization).
For a more detailed history of the Committee, visit Events and Issues.
- The Library and Archives Canada collection for the special joint committee includes a statistical summary. It lists the presentations before the committee (thematically organized in categories such as ethnic, human rights, feminist, race, business, and more), the number of sittings attended by individual MPs and senators, and the issues raised by the presenters: Statistics on the Special Joint Committee on the Constitution.
- Index of all the presentations before the Special Joint Committee on the Constitution.
- Briefing Notes (English)
- Briefing Notes (French)
The following is a comprehensive list of submissions from organizations based on the committee’s archival record. Click here for a list of individuals’ names that also appear in the archival record for submitting briefs.
- Advisory Council on the Status of Women
- Affiliation of Multicultural Societies of B.C.
- Afro-Asian Foundation of Canada
- Alberta Chamber of Commerce
- Alberta Committee of Action Groups of the Disabled
- Alberta Lesbian and Gay Rights
- Alberta Liberal Party
- Alberta New Democratic Party
- Alberta Public Policy Committee
- Alberta Status of Women Action Committee
- Alberta Women for Constitutional Change
- Algonquin Council
- Alliance for Life
- Alliance for the Preservation of English in Canada
- Alliance of German-Speaking Organizations of Ottawa
- Anglican Church of Canada
- Anglican Church of Canada – Diocese of Huron
- A.P.I, de l’Ecole St, Bernard
- Anishinabek Nations
- Assemblee Nationale du Quebec
- Associated Disabled Persons of B.C.
- Association canadienne des compagnies d’assurance-vie inc.
- Association canadienne des paraplegiques
- Association canadienne du Barreau, Section de Terre-Neuve
- Association Canadienne-Française de l’Alberta
- Association Canadienne-Française de l’Ontario
- Association canadienne pour le droit a l’avortement
- Association canadienne d’education de langue française
- Association des Commissaires de Langue Fran^aise du Canada
- Association de l’lmmeuble du Quebec
- Association canadienne pour les deficients mentaux
- Association canadienne Slovene
- Association Culturelle Franco-Canadienne de la Saskatchewan
- Association des canadiens unis pour la separation de 1’eglise et de l’etat
- Association des droits de la personne de la Saskatchewan
- Association des femmes progressistes conservatrices de Cornwall et de la region
- Association des Fermieres de l’Ontario
- Association des Indiens de l’Alberta
- Association des Juristes d’Expression FranÇaise de l’Ontario
- Association du Labrador Quebecois
- Association Française des Conseils Scolaires de l’Ontario
- Association nationale de la femme et du droit
- Association nationale de la femme et le droit
- Association nationale des Japonais d’origine canadienne
- Association of Canadian Clubs
- Association of Catholic Parents – English Section
- Association of Gay Social Service Workers
- Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians
- Association progressiste-conservatrice federale du Quebec
- Association of Metis and Non-Status Indians of Saskatchewan
- Athabaska Chipewan Band 201
- Assomption de Notre-Dame de Oshawa
- Atkinson College Council
- Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce
- Atlantic Provinces Economic Council
- Baltic Federation in Canada
- Bible Holiness Movement
- Blueberry Band
- Board of Education for the City of Toronto
- Borough of Etobicoke, Community Health Dept.
- British Columbia Association for Mentally Retarded
- British Columbia Chamber of Commerce
- British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
- British Columbia Federation of Labour
- British Columbia Human Rights Symposium
- British Columbia Medical Association
- British Columbia Provincial Council of Carpenters
- British Columbia Real Estate Association
- Brooks & District Chamber of Commerce
- Bureau des Ecoles Protestantes du Grand Montreal
- Burrard Indian Band
- Business Council on National Issues
- Calgary Action Group of the Disabled
- Calgary Chamber of Commerce
- Calgary Civil Liberties Association
- Calgary Coalition
- Calgary Public Library
- Campaign Life
- Camrose R.C. Separate School District No, 60
- Canada West Foundation
- Canadian Abortion Rights Action League
- Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
- Canadian Association of Crown Counsel
- Canadian Association of Lesbians and Gay Men
- Canadian Association for Adult Education
- Canadian Association for the Mentally Retarded
- Canadian Association for the Prevention of Crime
- Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work
- Canadian Association of Social Workers
- Canadian Bar Association
- Canadian Bar Association – Newfoundland Branch
- Canadian Bar Association – Ontario
- Canadian Bar Association – Southern Alberta Civil Liberties Subsection
- Canadian Bureau of the North American Jewish Students Network
- Canadian Catholic School Trustees Association
- Canadian Cattle Consultants Ltd.
- Canadian Chamber of Commerce
- Canadian Citizens Constitution Committee
- Canadian Citizenship Federation
- Canadian Civil Liberties Association
- Canadian Committee for the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
- Canadian Committee on Learning Opportunities for Women
- Canadian Conference on Arts
- Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Canadian Conference on Religion and World Peace
- Canadian Congress For Learning Opportunities for Women (with the Canadian Association for Adult Education)
- Canadian Connection
- Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism
- Canadian Co-ordinating Council on Deafness
- Canadian Copyright Institute
- Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women
- Canadian Council of the Blind
- Canadian Council on Children and Youth
- Canadian Council of Christians and Jews
- Canadian Council for Exceptional Children
- Canadian Council on Social Development
- Canadian Crafts Council
- Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women
- Canadian Federation of Civil Liberties and Human Rights Association
- Canadian Federation of University Women
- Canadian Folk Arts Council
- Canadian Forestry Association
- Canadian Health Coalition
- Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association
- Canadian Home Economics Association
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Canadian Human Rights Foundation
- Canadian Jewish Congress
- Canadian Labour Congress
- Canadian League of Rights
- Canadian Life Insurance Association
- Canadian Mental Health Association
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind
- Canadian Organization of Small Business
- Canadian Paraplegic Association
- Canadian Parents for French
- Canadian Polish Congress
- Canadian Protestant League
- Canadian Real Estate Association
- Canadian Slovak League
- Canadian Society for Professional Engineers
- Canadian Srbobran
- Canadian Teachers Federation
- Canadian Unity Information
- Canadians for Canada
- Canadians for One Canada
- Canadians for Responsible Government
- Canadians in Defense of Labour Rights
- Canadians United for Separation of Church and State
- Cape Breton Right to Life
- Cardinal Leger Secondary School
- Catholic Womens League of Canada
- Catholic Womens League of Canada, St. Boniface Parish
- Centre for Continuing Education, Mount St. Vincent University
- Cheslatta Band
- Chevaliers de Colomb
- Childs, Fred and Family
- Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver – see
- Chinese-Canadian National Council for Equality – see
- Christian Brothers Provincialate
- Canadian Christian Citizens
- Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC)
- Christian Reformed Church of Williamsburg
- Christian Science Federal Representative for Canada
- Chumir, Sheldon M. – see Calgary Civil Liberties Association
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- Citizens Advisory Council of the West Island of Montreal
- Citizens Association to Save the Environment
- Citizens for More Time Committee
- Club Jeunes de Coeur
- Coalition for the Protection of Human Life
- Coalition of Provincial Organizations of the Handicapped
- Codling, Doug – Pastor
- Cohen, Maxell
- Coldwater Indian Reserve
- Committee for Justice and Liberty Foundation
- Committee for Racial Equality
- Community Business and Professional Association,Vancouver, B.C,
- Concerned Canadians
- Concerned Citizens of Toronto
- Congress of Black Women of Canada
- Congregation des Filles de Jesus
- Congregation of our Lady of the Missions
- Congress of Linguists
- Congres National des Italo-Canadiens
- Conseil Attikamek-Montagnais
- Conseil des Ecoles Catholiques de Prescott-Russell
- Conseil du Patronat du Quebec
- Conseil Francophone de Planification Scolaire d’Ottawa-Carleton
- Conseil Inter-Professionel du Quebec
- Conseil de la Langue Française du Quebec
- Conseil scolaire d’Ottawa
- Conseil de Vie Française
- Conservative Council of Ontario
- Coordinator for the Handicapped
- Council for Canadian Unity
- Council for Exceptional Children, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Council for Exceptional Children, Quebec, Chapter 475
- Council for Yukon Indians
- Council of Christian Reformed Churches in Canada
- Council of Muslim Communities of Canada
- Council of National Ethnocultual Organizations of Canada
- Council of Quebec Minorities
- Council of the Quatsino Band
- Council of the Skookumchuck Band
- Cousins, Fred T.
- Couvent Notre-Dame des Missions
- Cowichan Band Council
- Czechoslovack National Association of Canada
- Denominational Education Committies of Newfoundland
- Dignity Canada
- Dignity Edmonton for the Canadian Region of Dignity
- Dignity Ottawa Dignité
- Direction Jeunesse
- Divertissements Emprise Inc.
- Les Dominicaines de la Trinite
- Dominion of Canada English Speaking Association
- Dominion of Canada Party
- Dufferin-Peel Roman Catholic School Board
- Dunbarton-Fairport United Church
- Family Life Bureau
- Fane of the Psilocybin Mushroom Association
- Federated Anti-poverty Groups of B.C.
- Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada
- Federation canadienne des enseignants, Ottawa, Ont.
- Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Federation canadienne des municipalities
- Federation of Catholic Parent-Teacher Associations of Ontario
- Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals
- Federation des Femmes Canadiennes-Françaises
- Federation des Francophones Hors Quebec
- Federation of Saskatchewan Indians
- Filles de Marie de l’Assomption
- Finnish-Canadian Cultural Federation
- Fraternite nationale des Indiens
- Freedom of Choice Party
- French Language Advisory Committee of the Ottawa Board of Education
- Freres du Sacre-Coeur
- Gambit Games
- Gay Alliance for Equality
- Gay Fathers of Toronto
- Gays of Ottawa
- German Canadian Club of Red Deer
- German-Canadian Committee on the Constitution
- Gitksan-Carrier Tribal Council
- Gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique
- Gouvernment des Territoires du Nord-Ouest
- Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
- Gouvernement du Quebec
- Government of Alberta
- Government of Alberta (resolution)
- Government of British Columbia
- Government of Manitoba
- Government of New Brunswick
- Government of Northwest Territories
- Government of Nova Scotia
- Government of Prince Edward Island
- Government of Saskatchewan
- Government of the Yukon Territory
- Gralnoski, Joseph
- Grand Council Treaty No. 9
- Grand Orange Lodge of Canada
- Greater St John Real Estate
- Group for Survival
- Hagwilget Band Council
- Halifax Office of the Ombudsman
- Halifax Dartmouth Real Estate Board
- HALT – see Human Action to Limit Taxes
- Hamilton Physicians for Life
- Human Action to Limit Taxes
- Human Rights Institute of Canada
- Knights of Columbus, Moncton, N.B.
- Knights of Columbus, Alexandria, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Bowmanville, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Andy Pappu
- Knights of Columbus, Cornwall, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Markham, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, North Bay, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Kapuskasing, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Renfrew, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Mount Forest, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Arnprior, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Oakville, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Penetanguishene, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Brock-Brant Chapter
- Knights of Columbus, Longlac, Ont.
- Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council 4120
- Kootenay Indian Area Council
- Lac la Biche Chamber of Commerce
- Laichkwitach State Tribes, Campbell River, B.C.
- Law Union of British Columbia
- League for Human Rights of Canadian B’nai Brith
- Liberal Party of Canada
- Lloydminster Real Estate Board Association
- Local Council of Women
- London and Middlesex County Roman Catholic Separate School Board
- Long, E.P.M,
- Lower Nicola Band
- Lowville United Church
- Main Street Baptist Church
- Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties
- Manitoba Law Union
- Manitoba Metis Federation
- Manitoba Office of the Ombudsman
- Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education Inc.
- Media Club of Canada
- Mennonite Central Committee (Canada)
- Metis Association of Alberta
- Metis and Non Status Indian Constitutional Review Commission
- Metropolitan Separate School Board
- Mining Association of Canada
- Minority Rights Group
- Mohawks of Kahnawake
- Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc.
- Multilingual Association of Regina Inc.
- Naches – Montreal’s Gay Jewish Group
- National Action Committee on the Status of Women
- National Anti-poverty Organization
- National Association of Canadians of Origins in India
- National Association of Japanese Canadians
- National Association of Women and The Law
- National Black Coalition of Canada
- National Chapter of Canada I.O.D.E. – Provincial Chapter of New Brunswick I.O.D.E.
- National Citizens’ Coalition
- National Committee for Language Equality
- National Council of Jewish Women of Canada
- National Council of Women of Canada
- National Farmers Union
- National Firearms Association – New Brunswick Branch
- National Indian Brotherhood
- National Pensioners and Senior Citizens Federation
- Native Brotherhood of British Columbia
- Native Council of Canada
- Native Peoples Resource Centre
- Native Rights Coalition
- Native Women’s Association of Canada
- Nemiah Valley Band
- New Brunswick Association for the Advancement of Coloured People
- New Brunswick Development Institute
- New Brunswick Human Rights Commission
- New Brunswick Real Estate Association
- New Brunswick Right to Life Association
- Nishga Tribal Council
- Nooaitch Indian Reserve
- North American Jewish Students Network
- North Shore Liberal Women
- North Shore Women’s Centre
- Northern Indian Brotherhood
- Nova Scotia Real Estate Association
- Nuu-Cha-Nulth Tribal Council
- Okanagan Women’s Coalition
- Okanagan North Progressive Conservative Association
- Ontario Committee on the Status of Women
- Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association
- Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
- Ontario Progressive Conservative Association of Women
- Ontario Real Estate Association
- Ontario Separate School Trustees’ Association
- Ontario Welfare Council
- Operation Dismantle
- Organization Marxiste-Leniniste du Canada
- Organization for Carribean Canadian Initiatives
- Oromocto, Town of
- Ottawa Coalition for Constitutional Process
- Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre
- Our Lady of the Airways
- Pacific Vocational Institute
- Parent Finders Incorporated
- Pas Indian Band
- Pavilion Indian Band
- Peel Sharpshooters
- Penticton Indian Band
- People’ Law School Society – Vancouver
- Peterborough Libertarian Association
- Peterborough Presbyterian United Church – Women
- Petitions
- Petitions for Peace
- Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada
- Polish Friends of Indians
- Port Coquitlam Area, Women’s Centre
- Port Simpson Band Council
- Positive Action Committee
- Presbytery of Newfoundland
- Progressive Conservative Association of B.C.
- Progressive Conservative Association of Okanagen
- Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan
- Progressive Conservative Women’s Association of North Bay
- Pro-Life Supporters
- Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal
- Provincial Association of Catholic Teachers of Quebec
- Provincial Progressive Conservative Association of Calgary
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre
- Quatsino Band – see Council of the Quatsino Band
- Quebec Committee for Language Regions
- Quebec Federation of Home and School Associations
- Quebecers’ Labrador Association
- Angus Alberta Limited – see Angus J.F.
- Realty Owners of Canada
- Recluses Missionnaires
- Redemptorist Fathers
- Regional Economic Development Council
- Regional Municipality of Sudbury
- Le Regroupement pour les Droits Politiques du Quebec
- Religious Freedom Conference of Christian Minorities
- Religious Information Centre
- Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), St. John’s Worship Group
- Renaissance Family Institute
- Renaissance Internationale
- Right to Life Association – Kitchener, Ont.
- Right to Life Association – Toronto and Area
- Right to Life Association – Yarmouth, N.S.
- Royal Commonwealth Society
- St. Andrew’s College in Winnipeg
- St. Clare School
- St. George’s Society of Toronto
- St. Mary’s Band
- St. Thimothy’s Presbytarian Church
- Sarnia Indian Reserve
- Saskatchewan Advisory Council
- Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission
- Saskatchewan Real Estate Association
- Saskatoon Catholic Schools
- Saskatoon Real Estate Board
- Saulteau Indian Band #542
- School Sisters of Notre Dame
- Scowlitz Indian Band
- Secor Inc.
- Senior Citizens Central Council of Calgary
- Shackan Indian Bands
- Sister of our Lady of the Missions
- Sisters of St Joseph High School
- Sisters of St-Joseph of Sault Ste Marie
- Sisters of Ste Martha
- Slovenian Canadian Association
- Skookumchuck Indian Band
- Social Credit Party of Alberta
- Social Credit Party of Canada
- Social Planning and Review Council of B.C.
- Societe des Acadiens du Nouveau-Brunswick
- Societe Franco-Manitobaine
- Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Quebec
- Society for Education Action Research and Counselling on Homosexuality
- Soeurs de l’Assomption de la Sainte Vierge
- Soeurs de la Charite d’Ottawa
- Soeurs Grises de Montreal
- Soeurs de Notre-Dame du Perpetuel Secours
- Soeurs de la Presentation de Marie
- Soeurs des Saints Noms de Jesus & Marie
- Soeurs du Sauveur
- South Central Tribal Council
- South Okanagan Civil Liberties Society
- Southwestern Ontario Campaign for Life
- Spallumscheen Band
- Ukranian Canadian Committee
- Ukranian Greek Orthodox Church
- Union Culturelle des Franco-Ontariennes
- Union Nationale – Quebec
- Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs
- Union of British Columbian Municipalities
- Union of New Brunswick Indians
- Union of Nova Scotia Indians
- Union of Ontario Indians
- Union Populaire
- United Churches of Canada
- United Hungarian Fund
- United Native Nations
- University of Manitoba
- University Women’s Club – Barrie, Ont.
- University Women’s Club – North York
- University Women’s Club – White Rock
- Upper Nicola Indian Band
- Ursuline Sisters
- Vancouver Community Legal Assistance Society
- Vancouver Multicultural Society
- Vancouver Quadra Progressive Conservative Association
- Vancouver Status of Women
- Vasa Order of America, Grand Lodge, Edmonton, Alta
- Vernon Committee for More Time
- Ville de Saint-Nicolas
- Voice for Life
- Voice of Women
- Burrard Indian Band
- Cowichan Band Council
- Fraser Lake Band
- Gitksan-Carrier Tribal Council
- Hagwilget Band Council
- Mohawks of Kahnawake
- Nemiah Valley Band
- Penticton Indian Band
- Quatsino Band – see Council of the Quatsino Band
- Saulteau Indian Band #542
- Scowlitz Indian Band
- Shackan Indian Bands
- Skookumchuck Indian Band
- Spallumscheen Band
- St. Mary’s Band
- Toosey Band
- Treaty No. 8 in Northern Alberta
- Upper Nicola Indian Band
- Federation of Canadian Municipalities / Federation canadienne des municipalities
- Gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique
- Gouvernment des Territoires du Nord-Ouest
- Gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick
- Gouvernement du Quebec
- Government of Alberta
- Government of Alberta (resolution)
- Government of British Columbia
- Government of Manitoba
- Government of New Brunswick
- Government of Northwest Territories
- Government of Nova Scotia
- Government of Prince Edward Island
- Government of Saskatchewan
- Government of the Yukon Territory