Historic Statutes and Declarations

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Parliament Hill | Copyright Dominique Clément / Clément Consulting

Major federal and provincial human rights statutes and international declarations.

This section provides links to past legislation dealing with human rights, anti-discrimination, equal pay, fair employment practices and fair accommodation practices (also, see below for international declarations on human rights and other important legislation). The documents are grouped under the following headings: federal statutes, provincial statutes, municipal legislation and international declarations. Most files are formatted into text-readable PDFs.


Provincial and Territorial Statutes

The readings lists available on this site deal with a range of topics from human rights to biographies and specific events.

    • Any use of material or referencing content from HistoryOfRights.ca should be acknowledged by the User and cited as follows:

  • Clément, Dominique. “page title or document title.” Canada’s Human Rights History. www.HistoryOfRights.ca (date accessed).