Major federal and provincial human rights statutes and international declarations.
This section provides links to past legislation dealing with human rights, anti-discrimination, equal pay, fair employment practices and fair accommodation practices (also, see below for international declarations on human rights and other important legislation). The documents are grouped under the following headings: federal statutes, provincial statutes, municipal legislation and international declarations. Most files are formatted into text-readable PDFs.
- Anti-Discrimination Laws
- Bill of Rights Appendix IV Protection of Civil Rights 1947
- Bill of Human Rights Appendix III 1949
- Bill of Rights Appendix V Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1958
- Bill of Rights Appendix IV 1960
- British North American Act Amendment Appendix I 1948
- Canadian Bill of Rights 1960
- Canada Evidence Act
- Charter of Rights Amendment 1988
- Citizenship Act 1946
- Divorce Act 1968
- Emergencies Act 1988
- Fair Employment Practices Act 1953
- Female Employees Equal Pay Act 1956
- Human Rights Act 1976-77
- Human Rights Act 1977
- Human Rights Act 2002
- Human Rights Act Amendment 1996
- Inquiries Act 1927
- Inquiries Act 1985
- National Emergency Powers Act 1945
- National Emergency Powers Act Amendment 1946
- Official Secrets Act 1939
- Official Secrets Act 1985
- Protection of Privacy Act 1974
- Temporary Immigration Security Act 1976
- War Measures Act 1914
- Alberta Bill of Rights 1946
- Alberta Communal Property Act 1947
- Alberta Human Rights Act 1966
- Alberta Human Rights Act Amendment 1971
- Alberta Labour Act Amendment 1957
- Alberta Land Sales Prohibition Act 1942
- Alberta Sexual Sterilization Act 1928
- British Columbia Civil Rights Protection Act 1981
- British Columbia Equal Pay Act 1953
- British Columbia Fair Employment Practices Act 1956
- British Columbia Fair Employment Practices Act Amendment 1964
- British Columbia Heroin Treatment Act 1978
- British Columbia Human Rights Act 1969
- British Columbia Human Rights Act Amendment 1995
- British Columbia Human Rights Code 1973
- British Columbia Human Rights Act 1984
- British Columbia Public Accommodation Practices Act 1961
- British Columbia Social Assistance Act 1945
- British Columbia Unemployment Relief Act 1931
- British Columbia Unemployment Relief Act 1932
- Manitoba Equal Pay Act 1956
- Manitoba Fair Accommodation Practices Act 1960
- Manitoba Fair Employment Practices Act 1953
- Manitoba Human Rights Act 1970
- Manitoba Human Rights Code 1987
- New Brunswick Fair Accommodation Practices Act 1959
- New Brunswick Fair Employment Practices Act 1956
- New Brunswick Female Employment Remuneration Act 1961
- New Brunswick Human Rights Act 1967
- New Brunswick Human Rights Act 1973
- Newfoundland Anti-Discrimination Act 1979
- Newfoundland Emergency Measures Act Amendment 1974
- Newfoundland Human Rights Code 1969
- Newfoundland Human Rights Code 1988
- Newfoundland Human Rights Code 1990
- Newfoundland Human Rights Code Amendment 1974
- Newfoundland Human Rights Code Amendment 1981
- Newfoundland Human Rights Code Amendment 1983
- Newfoundland Human Rights Code Amendment 1984
- Newfoundland Labour Relations Amendment Act 1959
- Newfoundland List of Human Rights Code Amendments
- Newfoundland Terms of Union with Canada 1948
- Northwest Territories Fair Practices Ordinance 1966
- Nova Scotia Equal Pay Act 1956
- Nova Scotia Fair Accommodation Practices Act 1959
- Nova Scotia Fair Employment Practices Act 1955
- Nova Scotia Human Rights Act 1963
- Nova Scotia Human Rights Act 1991
- Ontario Age Discrimination Act 1966
- Ontario Community Halls Act
- Ontario Fair Accommodation Practices Act 1954
- Ontario Fair Employment Practices Act 1951
- Ontario Female Employees Fair Remuneration Act 1951
- Ontario Human Rights Code 1962
- Ontario Human Rights Code 1981
- Ontario Human Rights Code 1990
- Ontario Insurance Act
- Ontario Labour Relations Act 1950
- Ontario Racial Discrimination Act 1944
- Ontario Women’s Equal Employment Act 1970
- PEI Equal Pay Act 1959
- PEI Human Rights Act 1968
- Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms 1975
- Quebec Discrimination in Employment Act 1964
- Quebec Legal Capacity of Married Women Act 1964
- Quebec Padlock Act (Communistic Propaganda) 1937
- Quebec Police Act 1972
- Quebec Protection of Children Act 1974
- Quebec Protection of Handicapped Persons Act 1976
- Quebec Youth Protection Act 1972
- Quebec Bill 78 (student demonstrations) 2012
- Saskatchewan Bill of Rights Act 1947
- Saskatchewan Equal Pay Act 1952
- Saskatchewan Fair Accommodation Practices Act 1956
- Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission Act 1972
- Saskatchewan Human Rights Code 1979
- Yukon Human Rights Act 1987