Recent developments, news and resources relating to the study of human rights history in Canada. Includes research funding, institutes, conferences and more. Canada’s newest national museum, and the first national museum located outside of Ottawa, is dedicted to human rights: Canadian Museum for Human Rights.
H-Net Human Rights listserv.
Stay up to date on the latest conferences on human rights (with a particular focus on Canada and history).
- Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting
- Human Rights Section, International Studies Association: The Human Rights Section organizes regular gatherings in association with ISA conferences.
- Annual Conference of the Association of Human Rights Institutes
- Association of Human Rights Institutes
- Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University
- Women’s Human Rights Institute
- Irish Centre for Human Rights
- Canadian Network on Humanitarian History
- Canadian Museum for Human Rights (Winnipeg, MB)
- Atlantic Human Rights Centre, St. Thomas University, NB
- Carr Centre for Human Rights Policy, Harvard University
- Centre of Ethics, University of Toronto
- Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa
- Maastricht Centre for Human Rights, Universitei Maastricht
- McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism (Montreal, QC)
- John Humphrey Centre for Human Rights (Edmonton, Alberta)
- Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (Montreal, QC)
- Human Rights Program, University of Chicago
- Human Rights Consortium, University of London
- Human Rights Institute of Canada
- St. Thomas University, links to Human Rights Centres Worldwide
Fellowships and scholarships for graduate studies in the area of human rights. There are numerous funding opportunities at the University of Alberta for Master, PhD and Postdoctoral candidates interested in studying human rights in Sociology and History.
- James Flaherty Ireland-Canada Scholarship (open)
- Gordon F. Henderson Post-doctoral Fellow, Human Rights Research and Education Centre, University of Ottawa
- Human Rights Research and Education Centre Scholarships, University of Ottawa
- M.A. Scholarships, Understanding and Securing Human Rights, University of London
- University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law, Social Justice and Human Rights Fellowship
- Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Steven C. Poe Best Graduate Student Paper Award, International Studies Association
- R. Roy McMurtry Fellowship in Legal History, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History
- Peter Oliver Prize in Canadian Legal History, Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
- University of Alberta Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Canadian Japanese-Mennonite Scholarship
- Trudeau Foundation
- Alberta Award for the Study of Canadian Human Rights and Multiculturalism
- Human Rights Program at the University of California, Berkeley
Research funding opportunities for professionals and academic faculty.
- Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada: Human Rights Program
- Trudeau Foundation
- Canadian Human Rights Commission, Research Program
- HR Best Paper Award, International Studies Association
- Law Foundation of British Columbia, Small Grants
- Walter S. Tarnopolsky Human Rights Award, Canadian Bar Association
- Visiting Faculty Fellowships, Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women
- Alberta Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund
- Canadian Network on Humanitarian History
- The Centre for Research Libraries has published a compendium on international archives, libraries and documentation relating to human rights: Libraries, Archives and Human Rights Documentation.
- H-Human Rights: A listserv dedicated to the study of human rights.
- Federation of International Human Rights Museums
- Human Rights Consortium (University of London)
Opportunities for visiting professorships in human rights at universities around the world.
- Institute for the Study of Human Rights Visiting Scholars Program, Columbia University
- James Farmer Visiting Professor of Human Rights, University of Mary Washington, Fredericksburg
- Marsha Lilien Gladstein Distinguished Visiting Professor of Human Rights, University of Connecticut
- Torgny Segerstedt Visiting Professor of Human Rights, University of Göteborg, Sweden
- University of Alberta Visiting Lectureship in Human Rights
- Visiting Professorship in Human Rights, University of Chicago (Human Rights Program)
- Visiting Scholar, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, University of Utrecht
Academic programs in Canada on the study of human rights.
- Brock University Social Justice and Equity Studies program
- York University Human Rights and Equity Studies Program
- Wilfrid Laurier University Human Rights and Human Diversity BA
- University of Winnipeg B.A. in Human Rights
- University of Toronto International Human Rights Program (law)
- University of Ottawa Conflict Studies and Human Rights
- Concordia University, minor in Human Rights Studies
- Carlton University Human Rights and Social Justice program