I am passionately committed to the ideal of being a public intellectual. My contributions focus on three distinct communities: governments; the nonprofit sector; and educators.
I have consulted for the federal Information Commissioner, the Virtual Museum of Canada, Parks Canada, Library and Archives Canada, the Senate of Canada, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, and human rights commissions, among others. This work has informed legal reforms, public education programs, and the development of heritage sites. I also led a national research team to study state funding for the nonprofit sector. We produced innovative digital infrastructure (statefunding.ca) that fostered transparency in public finances and assisted governments (especially small municipalities) in modifying their funding policies.
I have served on the boards of numerous local, national, and international NGOs. I routinely collaborate with a diversity of organizations such as the Affiliation of Multicultural Service Agencies of B.C., Powered By Data, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, and the Cowichan Women Against Violence. I have also helped organize local community events, such as Human Rights Day and Global Youth Assembly, and served as a Youth Education Program Intervener with the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, among many other programs.
My commitment to public education includes extensive engagement with the media (English and French); writing articles for magazines and online forums; creating and maintaining a popular historical website (over 9000 monthly visits, HistoryOfRights.ca); and engaging the public on social media. I frequently interact with local, national, and international audiences, which includes travelling to small towns where I share my research through presentations at local libraries or museums.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council:
- Connections Grant
- Insight Development Grants
- Insight Grants (incl Interdisciplinary Committee)
- Partner Engage Grants
- Partnerships Grant Committee (Stage 1 & 2)
- Fonds québécois de recherche Société et Culture
- Team Collaboration Grants (Soutien aux équipes de recherché)
- Réseau de recherche sur l’immigration, l’intégration et les relations interculturelle au Quebec
- Canadian Museum for Human Rights, National Human Rights Advisory Committee
- Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences:
- Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, Publications Committee
- Task Force on New Scholars
- Irish Research Council, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Outer Board Assessment Committee
- Parkland Institute, Research Advisory Committee
- Managing Editor, Canadian Review of Sociology
- Associate Editor, Canadian Review of Sociology
- Editorial Board, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
- Royal Society of Canada, Council Member, College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
- Canadian Sociological Association
- Centre for Constitutional Studies, University of Alberta
- John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights
- Canadian Committee on Women’s and Gender History
- Canadian Civil Liberties Association
- Canadian Committee on Labour History
- Association for Canadian Studies
- British Columbia Civil Liberties Association
- Canadian Historical Association
- L’Institut d’études canadiennes de l’Université de l’Alberta
- Department of Criminology, University of Ottawa
- Human Rights and Social Justice program, Carleton University
- Research Affiliate, Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security and Society
- Research Collaboration, Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition
- Article Prize, Canadian Review of Sociology
- Eugene Forsey Prize, Canadian Committee on Labour History
- Hilda Neatby Prize, Canadian Committee on Women’s and Gender History
- PSSM Student Paper Prize, Canadian Sociology Association
- Chair, Canadian Historical Association Nominating Committee
- Chair, Accessibility Task Force, Queen’s University
- Co-Chair, Canadian Historical Association Task Force on Becoming an Historian Booklet
- Tiffany Efird, Maria Quesada, Parveen Parmar, Alberta Human Rights Commission: Identifying Barriers and Solutions to Access, Dominique Clément, ed. (Edmonton: John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights, 2023).
- Jennifer Braun and Dominique Clément. Report: Funding Immigration and Refugee Settlement in Canada (Halifax: CYRCC, 2018).
- Jennifer Braun and Dominique Clément. Immigration and Refugee Settlement in Canada: Trends in Federal Funding (Halifax: CYRCC, 2019).
- Dominique Clément, Will Silver, and Dan Trottier. Research Report to Obtain Expert Knowledge on and the Analysis of the Evolution of Canadians’ Conceptions of Human Rights in the Twentieth Century. Ottawa: Canadian Human Rights Commission, 2012.
- Brief to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Content Advisory Committee, 2009
- Open letter to the information and privacy commissioner of British Columbia (auditing policy for BC archives), 2007
- Memorandum, University of Victoria, Intellectual Freedom and Freedom of Information, British Columbia Archives, 2007
- Memorandum, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, Potential Human Rights Violations for the 2010 Olympics, 2005
- New Technologies in Library and Archives Canada, Brief to Ian Wilson, librarian and archivist of Canada, from the Canadian Historical Association, 2004
- The Academy as Community, Report of the Task Force on New Scholars, Canadian Federation for the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2004
- “A New Vision for Graduate Studies in Canada,” Canadian Historical Association Bulletin 30, 1, 2004.
- Letter to Marc Renaud, SSHRC president, Executive summary of national survey of graduate students in history in Canada, 2002